English basic most important topics

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English basic most important topics

Foreign words

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Foreign Words We Use Every Day
ad nauseam
From Latin meaning to a sickening degree. “Tom talked ad nauseam about the time he scored the winning run.”
bon voyage
From French meaning have a nice trip. “We all shouted ‘bon voyage’ as Rosa left for her vacation.”

bona fide
From Latin meaning genuine. “Emma’s teacher was a bona fide expert in European history.”


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In linguistics, homonyms, broadly defined, are words which sound alike or are spelled alike, but have different meanings. A more restrictive definition sees homonyms as words that are simultaneously homographs (words that share the same spelling, regardless of their pronunciation) and homophones (words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of their spelling) – that is to say they have identical pronunciation and spelling, whilst maintaining different meanings. The relationship between a set of homonyms is called homonymy. Examples of homonyms are the pair stalk (part of a plant) and stalk (follow/harass a person) and the pair left (past tense of leave) and left (opposite of right). A distinction is sometimes made between true homonyms, which are unrelated in origin, such as skate (glide on ice) and skate (the fish), and polysemous homonyms, or polysemes, which have a shared origin, such as mouth (of a river) and mouth (of an animal)

idioms and phrases

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Idioms are a collection of words or phrases which have a figurative meaning that is generally well established and known. So these words can’t be taken at their literal meanings since they would sound farcical. Idioms, at times, seem grammatically unusual as well. Idioms are a useful tool in linguistics. They add life and colour to the prose. It allows the authors to play with words and make it an interesting read, rather than straightforward boring paragraphs. Idioms are often used in stories, poems and even in the spoken words. The origins of these idioms are not always known, but they said to originate from stories and creative writing, and are modified over time.
